Can social responsibility truly build sales for your brand? In a word, YES.
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The Death Spiral of Price Promotions
Price promotions. I like to refer to them as the race to the bottom. Who can win the competition of having the lowest price and commoditizing their brand?
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The Power of Lateral Thinking
As food marketers, we tend to think that telling potential customers how delicious our products are is enough. It’s why most new product launches and ad campaigns simply feature high-appetite food photography showing products at their mouthwatering best. Add a headline calling out product attributes and a few lines of aspirational body copy, slap “New” on it, and call it a day.
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Frozen in Time
Want to win in the frozen aisle?
Be dull.
During a recent shopping trip to the frozen section at my local Walmart, I was struck by how difficult it was to find the products I was looking for, even when I had a general idea of where they should be.
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Time To Man-Up!
I hope there’s no one reading this article who is still targeting women 25-54, to advertise their food or beverage brand. If you are, please call me. I can help.
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The Art Of Seduction
Love is cheap. Desire sells products.
Okay, we’ve written about Love and Love Brands before (spoiler alert: it’s really just ‘like’). Truth be told, love is not what you’re after.
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Aligning Sales & Marketing
Marketing vs. Sales—an age-old rivalry. “Sales are down because ‘marketing’ isn’t supporting our brand with the consumer.” “The new product launch failed because ‘sales’ didn’t do their job!”
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5 New Consumer Purchase Triggers
Having been in CPG marketing, and primarily working with food brands, for nearly 30 years, there have always been certain constant pivotal drivers in consumer purchasing — the “go-to”s that always drive consumer response. Well, things are changing. In fact, there has been a definitive paradigm shift that all marketers should be paying close attention to.
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