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The Value Of Collaboration In Strategy Development

Todd Bergey
Todd Bergey President

Getting your marketing strategy right is crucial for the success of your overall marketing plan. However, strategy development is not a straightforward process and requires continuous evaluation. Whether you’re in the discovery or execution phase, your approach to the process greatly impacts your chances of success.
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Mom’s Snack Quest

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

The pathway to purchase for moms buying snacks can be an emotional, trying journey. The struggle is real. Moms are on the frontlines, fighting the fight, battling against what her family wants vs what she feels is best or “better” for them, what will make her life easier vs what they will enjoy, and so on.

It can be a real quest.
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The 80/20 Myth

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

We all love a good cliché. Especially in marketing. And, if we repeat it enough, it becomes gospel. For instance, the 80/20 rule (the Pareto Principle). Have you ever said something like; “80% of my brand sales are coming from 20% of my consumers, so we need to focus on the loyalist”? Or “we need a better customer loyalty program”? Or better yet, “I want to focus more marketing dollars on my brand advocates, ambassadors, loyalists, yada, yada, yada”?
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Is ROI Killing Your Brand?

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

How often have you been under fire at a meeting with questions like these: “What’s going to be the ROI from this marketing program?” “How can you expect me to invest in those markets without a definitive ROI?” Or statements like: “There’s no ROI from TV, radio, and outdoor.” Mostly from well-meaning executives who want to make sure that marketing dollars are being stewarded and invested in the most effective way.
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Hunger Games

Scott Cooter
Scott Cooter Creative Director / Senior Copywriter

What’s the sweet spot for snack sales?

In a word, Millennials.

According to the latest Mintel1 report, 15% of snackers are always hungry. But the real sweet spot is 18-34 year-olds, where one in four (25%) say they’re hungry all day, every day, seven days a week.
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3 Snacking Eye-Openers

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

#3 Consumers Are Snacking More & More & More
IRI data shows that there has been a 3% increase in the number of consumers snacking more than five times per day. Currently, 14% of people snack five or more times a day in addition to their regular mealtimes. IRI predicts this will continue to rise in 2017.
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