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Mass Marketing Is Your Best “Targeted” Approach

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

Brands can market to their consumers in two major ways: TARGETED MARKETING, which is selling to a specific segment of buyers, and MASS MARKETING, which is selling to all buyers. So which of the two ways is most effective? Read more…

To Grow Your Brand, Think Reach & Frequency Not “Engagement”

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

It’s surprising how much focus too many marketers still place on the nebulous metric of “engagement.” Yes, social media engagement is an important measure of consumer response. It’s an indicator that your brand is making some sort of connection with people. Read more…

How Marketers Can Catch Em All With Pokmon Go

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

It’s everywhere. On the streets, in our office, and in every retail and food store I’ve visited the past 2 weeks. Pokémon took over my life back when I was a kid and is doing so again now with the revolutionary virtual reality game, Pokémon Go.Read more…

All The Single Ladies

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

Okay, it’s a great song (and, coincidentally, great YouTube video of a dancing baby in diapers). But why do I bring it up here?
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Artificial Intelligence In Media

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

With new technologies constantly evolving each day, people have become mostly un-phased by some of the recent leaps in media. Take for example, drones: At one point, the idea was a joke, then it became a topic of fear, then ever so slowly, they became integrated into every day life to the point where hardly anyone thinks twice about them. That’s exactly how artificial intelligence (AI) is – and no other new tech is changing the media world quite like it. AI is changing our use of smartphones, social media, and many other aspects of the marketplace.
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How Do People Prefer To Get Their Advertising? You’ll Be Surprised.

Jamie Allebach
Jamie Allebach Chief Executive & Creative Officer

Marketing research firm, MarketingSherpa asked consumers how they would prefer to receive communications from brands and retailers. For those of us in the ad biz who are lustily embracing every new social/digital media that flies down the WorldWide InterWeb SuperHighway @ us, its insights are surprising. Stunning, even.
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