In today’s cluttered environment, it is becoming more and more difficult for a small CPG brand to make an impact in the marketplace. However, if these small and upcoming brands follow a few basic marketing and advertising strategies, there is a way to cut through and make a name for themselves.
Initially, brands should best try and identify who their target audience is. Are they Moms/purchase decision makers? Millennials? Gather as much information as you can from prospective buyers, have them enter information on a website (age, HHI, # of children, zip codes) in exchange for an offer/coupon. Talk to them via Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) to try and learn as much about them as possible. Lead generation is a great way for the brand to start a database of people to market to, especially since they have volunteered their info.
Once your target audience is defined, work on an advertising campaign that works within your budget. If the funding is available, and depending on your brand’s ACV and distribution, mass media to reach as many people as possible (TV/Local Cable, Radio, OOH) is best to launch your brand. Of course, no campaign is complete today without a digital component. A good SEM/SEO campaign ensures that prospective consumers will see you online, along with the previously mentioned Social campaign.
In store, there are many ways to target the customer directly at the point of purchase. Sampling & couponing are two direct ways to influence the purchase of your new and upcoming brand. From a digital perspective, you can now target consumers once they get within a certain distance of a retail location on their phones. In-store, through the use of beacons, you can now deliver a message to them as they are making their purchase.
Even with all of the marketing and advertising, one of the best ways to get the word around about your brand is word of mouth. The 21st Century version of this is Influencers. Whether personal or online, more people than not believe the opinion of someone they know, respect or follow.
Remember the key through all of this, especially with a new product, is to let people know about the product, where they can get the product, and most importantly, why they need to purchase your product.