With new technologies constantly evolving each day, people have become mostly un-phased by some of the recent leaps in media. Take for example, drones: At one point, the idea was a joke, then it became a topic of fear, then ever so slowly, they became integrated into every day life to the point where hardly anyone thinks twice about them. That’s exactly how artificial intelligence (AI) is – and no other new tech is changing the media world quite like it. AI is changing our use of smartphones, social media, and many other aspects of the marketplace.
Whether it’s through something as commonplace as Siri, Cortana, Google Now, or other AI-centered software on our smartphones, the takeover has already begun. These daily features function by recording your voice to the Cloud, processing your words, and sending back answers, with everything you say being stored for data assessment and analysis that aids future programming. This is gradually shifting the way people communicate to one another through the airwaves, how we publicize our shared information, and how we interact with the apps on our phones.
Another thing most people don’t understand about AI is that when social media megaliths like Facebook ask for private information, personal questions, or when they harbor trend data, they’re using it to improve the overall user experience (despite what conspiracy theories may suggest). These databases help adjust Facebook’s trends, News Feeds, and suggestions and the more users, the better the data, so you can imagine for Facebook with 1.5+ billion users logging in and generating data every day, this technology works toward the user’s advantage.
On top of the social sites themselves delving into AI, there are trending apps such as Banjo that claim to be tapping into a new field by mining social media, search trends, and other digital data signals to produce a new form of breaking news rather than waiting for humans to figure out when something big is happening and then share it online. That being said, copywriters should still hold their jobs—at least for the foreseeable future.
Artificial intelligence is well on its way to transforming consumer engagement on smartphones, social networks, and other media, and as people continue to provide information and insights, these platforms will continue to evolve.