It’s 2024. If your food brand is still targeting women as their sole primary buyers, it may be time to get with the Bro-gram.
Statista recently published a report stating that 50% of men consider themselves to be the primary household grocery shopper. Other studies have that number as high as 60%. According to FMI’s Grocery Shopper Trends report, male shoppers take more frequent trips to the grocery store, they typically outspend females by $22 per week, and they tend to purchase more on impulse.
Dads are also cooking more meals and pulling more snack duty for the kids. Today’s dads prepare a third of household meals. Half also say they help plan playdates, activities, and kid-friendly projects, confirmed by a 450% increase in fatherly searches for DIY projects to do with the kids. Granted, that includes a huge upswing in searches for Homemade Slime (boys will be boys), so maybe some of those old stereotypes still hold true.
Social media platforms such as Pinterest used to be dominated by women. New data shows that 40% of US dads are active on Pinterest. A survey conducted by Social Media Link showed that 91% percent of dads use Facebook every week and 49% use Instagram weekly. 6 in 10 fathers say they use social media more than they did before becoming parents.
Why is this important to brands? In a word—influence. Dads are connecting with other dads on social media. That same report says 70% of dads share advice, opinions, and recommendations—including food and snacking products they do and don’t like.
With more and more men shopping for groceries, preparing snacks, cooking meals, and sharing opinions online—Dadvertising needs to work its way into your targeting and media selection strategy. For dad to choose your product on the shelf, he needs to be aware of your brand and understand how you help him create quality time with the family.
All the dad-data points to a simple conclusion. Food brands need to start adding dear old dad to their marketing mix.